Thursday, July 31, 2008

Obama is the presumptuous one?

I really don't like this whole story. I'll just say that Dana Milbank really screwed up, and came off like a total asshat. The argument over who is acting like he's already president is stupid. Looking presidential is part of the criteria to get elected, always has been, always will be. Either way, even though McCain comes off like an old guy at the bar yelling at the television, he sent out a pretty interesting e-mail earlier in his campaign...

Republican Senator John McCain was elected president last evening, defeating Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic nominee. McCain's victory came by winning the "red" states that supported President Bush in 2004, while also winning independents to capture the key battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota.

McCain ran a disciplined campaign that focused on the issues of reforming the culture of Washington and vigorously prosecuting the war on terror. Political experts expressed surprise that McCain was able to wrest the mantle of change away from Clinton, given that she represented the party out of power which normally lays claim to being the agent of change.

Yeah, so about that...

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